News and Public Notices
6/30/2023 Public Notice:  Westchester County proposed Federal Aviation Administration Disadvantaged Business Enterprises Goal:  Federal Fiscal Years 2024-2026  includes Webinar information - for July 31st at 5:00 p.m.



Public Notice:  Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) Goal: Federal Fiscal Years 2022-2024

    7/20/2022 FAA 2022-2024 ACDBE Goal Meeting Notice


Master Plan Update, Final Report, December 2017

Master Plan Transmittal Letter to FAA

Executive Summary


Chapter 1 - Inventory

Chapter 2 - Environmental Overview

Chapter 3 - Forecast

Chapter 4 - Facility Requirements

Chapter 5 - Alternatives

Chapter 6 - ALP Description Report

Chapter 7 - Implementation Plan

Chapter 8 - Sustainability

Public Involvement Program

Addendum 1 Public Comments

Addendum 2 Pavement Management Study

Airport Layout Plan


Public Hearing topics and dates. Read the invitational flier for additional information and locations. Hearings do not take place at the airport.

Masterplan: June 6, 7 p.m.
Governance: June 11, 7 p.m.
Operations: June 25, 7 p.m.

5/2/18 Notice of Availability, Environmental Assessment and Finding of no Significant Impact. Westchester County Airport Snow Equipment Storage Building.
5/19/15 The County of Westchester (the "County") is hereby providing written notice and an opportunity for public comment. The county intends to file an application with the Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") for authority to impose and use Passenger Facility Charges ("PFCs") at the Westchester County Airport for the following projects:

1. Aircraft Deicing Fluid Storage and Truck Upload – Design and Construction, $2,803,103

2. Reconstruction of Terminal Ramp/Deicing Areas Phase 3 – Design, $175,000

3. Reconstruction of Terminal Ramp/Deicing Areas Phase 3 – Construction, $2,750,000

4. Rehabilitate Runway 16-34 – Construction, $20,000,000

5. Airport Noise and Operations Monitoring System (ANOMS) – Replace Remote Monitor Terminals, $560,000

6. Reconstruction of Terminal Ramp/Deicing Areas Phase 4 – Design, $175,000

7. Reconstruction of Terminal Ramp/Deicing Areas Phase 4 – Construction, $2,750,000

8. In-Line Baggage Screening Facility – Construction, $8,472,198

9/13/13 Airport's Environmental Management System Achieves ISO 14001 Recertification
8/23/11 USDOT Expanded Airline Passenger Protections Take Effect
5/26/10 Westchester County Airport's Contributions Celebrated