The Airport Advisory Board was created to provide a regular and direct channel of communication in order to increase County responsiveness to community complaints, difficulties and proposals related to the airport.  We act as an active liaison among municipalities, groups, citizens and the airport management, assessing present and future airport needs and assuming responsibilities in the areas of public information and education.  

The Board is intended to be an independent recommending body on all aspects of the Airport, and is charged with recognizing the special conditions and concerns of municipalities proximate to Westchester County Airport in addition to considering a total County viewpoint in its deliberations.

The Westchester County Airport Advisory Board is authorized by the County Charter to:

  • Hold meetings of its members at such time and place as the members of the board shall determine.
  • Meet with the airport manager of the county airport or such other appropriate representative of the firm which manages the county airport at such time and place as the members of the board shall determine.
  • Report to the county government, from time to time, on all matters related to the county airport.
  • Meet with any parties and agencies, public and private, interested in the county airport and make recommendations to the county government based on its findings. 

Review all meeting schedules and documents.

Members of the Board
The Westchester County Advisory Board consists of eleven members. 

Eight members shall be residents of the county to be appointed by the County Executive subject to confirmation by the County Board. Five of these members shall also be residents of the areas which are proximate to the Westchester County Airport: one each from the Town of North Castle, the Town of Rye, the Town of Harrison, the Town of Mount Pleasant and the Town of New Castle. 

One member shall be a member of the County Board to be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board. 

The remaining members are ex officio members which include:  The Commissioner of Public Works and Transportation and the Commissioner of Planning. 

All inquiries to the board can be made by contacting .

Current Board Members

  • Nicholas T. Hartman, Ph.D., Chairman, Pelham
  • Rob Fleisher, Vice Chairman, New Castle
  • Honorable Nancy E. Barr, Board of Legislators, District 6
  • Salvatore Cresenzi, Rye Town
  • Honorable David Gelfarb, Harrison
  • Daniel Smith, Bedford
  • Michael Pollack, North Castle
  • Peter Schlactus, Rye Town
  • John Woolley, Jr., P.E., Mount Pleasant

Ex-Officio Members

  • Hugh J. Greechan Jr., P.E., Commissioner, Department of Public Works and Transportation
  • Blanca Lopez, Commissioner, Department of Planning

The Community Participation Plan for Westchester County Airport is available here